So apparantly there is a Canadian Internet. Like Canadia (spelling intentional) is really all that speshul (again, intentional). Who am I kidding? It totally is!

There was something I wanted to write about, but it slipped my mind. It really did, which sucks, because I feel as if it were something important, otherwise I would not have felt so compelled to write about whatever it was.

I am going to get serious with the whole photography thing. Again, but really for serious. As in seriously develop my portfolio. I have an idea that involves Justin and Shawn modeling. I will keep that to myself (and one other) for now.

To Nikki: just wanted to let you know that I am glad things worked out for you. I was worried.

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A(nother) new beginning

So apparantly there is a Canadian Internet. Like Canadia (spelling intentional) is really all that speshul (again, intentional). Who am I kidding? It totally...

Newer post

Grab yo' shit and RUN!

So apparantly there is a Canadian Internet. Like Canadia (spelling intentional) is really all that speshul (again, intentional). Who am I kidding? It totally...
