The other day a woman came into the shop. She asked if she could photograph, and shared with us a brief anecdote about how ours was the first Ben & Jerry’s that she’s been to since she left home or something or another—I don’t know, I zoned out after the first few words. This was super exciting for me on so many levels, and I without hesitation told her to feel free. Pretty bold of me considering I’m not a shift leader or anything.

While it may have been nothing more than courtesy, I’m upset that she felt the need to ask. Why? I couldn’t help but think of the numerous occasions in which she encountered opposition to such a harmless act. Why can’t more people be as accomodating?

Photography Is Not A Crime
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Livin' La Vida Vegan: Day 1

The other day a woman came into the shop. She asked if she could photograph, and shared with us a brief anecdote about how ours was the first Ben & Jerry...

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The other day a woman came into the shop. She asked if she could photograph, and shared with us a brief anecdote about how ours was the first Ben & Jerry...

Photography Is Not A Crime