I’ve been working my ass off. Between taking people’s shifts as they’re thrown at me and trying to get scheduled as much as possible, I’m at that place more than I’d really like to be. I honestly don’t mind being there, it just takes a toll after awhile because I get very little time to myself. Needless to say, days go by; it can be pretty uneventful.

There are of course many exciting moments, whether they be the result of my being clumsy and too easily amused, good times with my co-workers, or really awesome, non-bitchy customers[1].

Friday I worked an 8-hour shift. It was very busy throughout the day, I had been operating off of very little sleep[2], and above all my feet were killing me, so I took comfort in knowing that midnight was just around the corner, meaning we’ll finally be able to lock-up, scrub that place from top to bottom, and get our non-ice cream eating asses out of there[3].

Just as I was watching the clock, constantly pressing buttons on our register to see that the minutes were in fact passing by, a group of three walked in. Disappointed that my closing routine had been interrupted, I help them. The first thing that struck me was this chick’s unusual inquiries into my age, and how often I work[4]. I was extremely weirded out and thought she was hitting on me, and thus tried to get them out of the store as quickly as possible so I could curl up in a corner and cry. I thought my initial discomfort was very apparent, so I tried to ease the tensions by changing the “subject”-she had the most amazing hat that I fell (am) in love with. The bill was fringed, and it was olive drab, and had little gold studs on one side. I just had to have it, and asked her where she got it from but alas, she had no idea because a friend had sent it to her. For a moment I thought she did it herself and was pretty disappointed when she told me otherwise.

One of the guys she was with I thought was very obnoxious[5], yet I just could not get over the resemblance he bore to someone I’m sure I’ve seen on television or in a movie[6]. He asked for a small scoop of Cherry Garcia but threw it away after taking a bite of it. He decided that he wanted something else. Whatever, I was in no mood to argue[7]. I just thought it was very wasteful.

I asked the third member of the group if I could get something for him, but he kindly declined. I promptly rang them out and wished them a good night. After they left Laura commented in a rather confused tone that the lady looked a lot like Jessica Alba. Me not being one to follow celebrities, I only knew of the name because of a previous conversation with a friend about how hot she is and the subsequent Googling to figure out exactly who she is[8].

There was brief speculation between us that maybe they were impersonators until Ashley came up from the basement and did some Googling of her own. Jessica just so happens to be in town filming. Fucking great: I was a complete ass to Jessica Alba[9].

And I wasn’t bothered because of her fame, but more by the fact that she is someone who probably isn’t in the city often much less in our shop and that’s the impression she got and is going to leave with. Way to represent. I just felt terrible all night and it was all I could think about[10].

I worked with Laura again tonight who brought it all back up[11]. Laura actually had a little regret of her own, that is not speaking up about her suspicions.

Near close tonight, as I helped a lady with a cake order, a woman and a young man who appeared to be her son walked into the shop. Jenn came up to me and asked if I remembered that WB show Jack and Bobby, because she thought the guy looked a lot like him. Absent minded, I went into a small yet loud tirade about how I used to love that show because of its concept, but it took a turn that I didn’t like and ended up hating it. Sure enough, that guy turned out to be Logan Lerman, who played Bobby McCallister in the aforementioned series.

I once again felt terrible. Who else would have such misfortune to blow off Jessica Alba and tell off this guy’s work as he stands right in front of you, all in the same weekend. Either Laura or Jenn said to him how funny it was because Jessica was just in the shop the other day. I thought it was very funny that she walked in soon after that was said[12].

This time around I was a very good boy. However, it annoys me how star struck people become. They were both pretty patronizing. I don’t understand it. Celebrities should not be placed on a platform because they’re in the spotlight. It was actually kinda gross to see them freak out like they did. I seriously wanted to apologize to both Jessica and Logan, because it was that ridiculous.

Now that I have delved into the realm of gossip, this blog will soon return to its regularly scheduled programming. I have a serious backlog of entries and can’t seem to find the time to sit down and write them. It’s also unfortunate because with school being out and me blogging so sporadically, the quality of my writing has diminished significantly. Methinks it’s time to get back in the habit.

  1. I love you! Then people wonder why they might get less than great service. It’s not rocket science: respect me and I’ll do the same. Please and Thank You go a long way.
  2. For the past couple of weeks I’ve had some fucked up sleep issues (e.g. not being able to). It concerns me and I really need to get it checked out.
  3. ‘Cause contrary to popular belief, “the help” have lives too. I need to get out of food service.
  4. The last thing I needed was some crazy creepy psycho stalker lady.
  5. The sleepier I get the less I put up with arrogance and bullshit.
  6. I still can’t place him; clearly I don’t watch either enough.
  7. Like I ever do.
  8. I had to agree, she’s pretty damn hot.
  9. Not really an ass, just hurried and creeped out…it was all just a defense mechanism.
  10. That and her hat.
  11. I was trying to purge regret from memory.
  12. Turns out he’s co-starring in Bill.
Star Slight
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Senate Debates Gay Marriage

I’ve been working my ass off. Between taking people’s shifts as they’re thrown at me and trying to get scheduled as much as possible, I’m at that place more ...