According to Alex, the only things people write about in their journals are their crushes. After giving this some consideration, I thought “Pssh. Hell yeah!” Or in other words, there is some validity to his statement.

I am not going to get into my day and all that jazz; it is incredibly late and I am incredibly tired and there is incredibly too much (or too little) to cover.

I do, however, want to speak for a moment about the state of my crush(es).

I have a very strong opinion that, one shouldn’t try to sacrifice the present for a hope in the future. Who knows what’s going to happen between now and then? People can die, fall in and out of love at the drop of a hat, people turn into assholes, become drug addicts, and develop emotional instabilities without any notice.

I’m also of the opinion that if people are meant to be together, that they will end up together in the end.

— Sam Kleinman

Thought provoking is it not? Also a reality check. Kevin, things obviously may not work out the way you would like. Face it, the chances are (extremely) slim to none. Granted, you cannot control the way you feel, but you must find a way to let desire and reality co-exist within reason. That makes no sense. There has to be balance. I do not want to say that you should… stop liking the boy(?), move on(?)–that will come in time, or maybe and most likely not. (I don’t want to stop liking the boy, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that–except maybe you are just setting yourself up for more pain.) But I am saying you need to back off. Stop hoping for this and that. Just deal with reality, with what you have to work with.

Stay in the now. Just focus on developing your friendship with the boy, and not on how to get in his pants.

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Confessions #1

According to Alex, the only things people write about in their journals are their crushes. After giving this some consideration, I thought “Pssh. Hell yeah!”...

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I'm a Mad Angry Bitch

According to Alex, the only things people write about in their journals are their crushes. After giving this some consideration, I thought “Pssh. Hell yeah!”...
