He is hot. It is a tease. There is this physical tension on my part that I find difficult to get over, maybe because there are lingering emotions…

Maybe ‘cause he is just hot.

I hate to leave that hanging there, because I am not the type to form relationships strictly based on physical attractions(, all the time). And I don’t want people thinking that. So, generally, no. There has to be more to it, for me. Thought I am not saying it is not possible. Everything is possible.

And to you. Do not feel that just because I feel as if “it” is a tease, I do not want to be/cannot bear being around you. I am fine.

(Kevin, should not you be focusing on your poem presentation rather than some journal entry?) The answers to that are both yes and no. Yes because while both the presentation and creative writing assignment are equally important, the presentation is certainly more urgent, as I feel I may be presenting tomorrow. No because my journal is due the third of June and I need a few more entries to balance the ones before the assignment, and the quota that needs to be met for the assignment. Does that make sense? Essentially, half “old”, half “new.” Because of the lack of access to a computer, I got a bit behind in regards to my journaling. I would try to recollect everything that has happened, or at least the most notable things, since last update and now, but I forget important details and the entries might lose their meanings/be crappy.

It does not matter anyway, I am finished here for now.

P.S. And somehow, I managed to combine nerdiness, blackness, and gayness in a shout in resentment of running today. That is according to Allison.

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He is hot. It is a tease. There is this physical tension on my part that I find difficult to get over, maybe because there are lingering emotions… Maybe ‘ca...

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He is hot. It is a tease. There is this physical tension on my part that I find difficult to get over, maybe because there are lingering emotions… Maybe ‘ca...
